Working Papers
- The Effects of School Building HVAC System Conditions on Student Academic and Behavioral Outcomes. (with Moontae Hwang and Marzuka Ahmad Radia).
- On the Margin: Who Receives a Juvenile Referral in School and What Effect Does It Have?. (with Andrea Headley and Stephen Holt). EdWorkingPaper 24-907.
- Strictly Speaking: Examining Teacher Use of Punishment and Student Outcomes. (with Stephen Holt, Katie Vinopal, and Heasun Choi). EdWorkingPaper 22-563.
- 2022. Truth and Illusion: Can a Transparency Reform Contribute to Accountable Taxing Behavior?. (with Youngsung Kim). Local Government Studies.
- 2023. The Thin Blue Line in Schools: New Evidence on School-Based Policing Across the U.S.. (with Montserrat Avila Acosta, Shawn Bushway, and John Engberg). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
- 2022. Getting Tough? The Effects of Discretionary Principal Discipline on Student Outcomes. (with Shawn Bushway and Elizabeth Gifford). Education Finance and Policy.
- 2022. Teacher Attrition and the Business Cycle. (with Joshua Eagan, Nayoung Hwang, Cory Koedel, and Helen Ladd). Teachers College Record.
- 2021. The Distributional Effects of Property Tax Constraints on School Districts. (with Youngsung Kim and Moontae Hwang). National Tax Journal.
- 2021. Sorting it Out: The Effects of Charter School Expansion on Teacher and Student Composition at Traditional Public Schools. (with Stephen Holt). Economics of Education Review.
- 2021. Sociodemographic Characteristics and Inequities Associated with Access to In-Person and Remote Elementary Schooling During the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York State. (with Ashley Fox, Jun Soo Lee, and Erika Martin). JAMA Network Open.
- 2021. Making Schools Safer and/or Escalating Disciplinary Response: A Study of Police Officers in North Carolina Schools. (with Yinzhi Shen and Shawn Bushway). Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
- 2021. Empowering the Frontline: Internal and External Organizational Antecedents of Teacher Empowerment. (with Michael Minsung Kang and Soohyun Park). Public Management Review.
- 2021. The Importance of Place: Effects of Community Job Loss on College Enrollment and Attainment Across Rural and Metropolitan Regions. (with Moontae Hwang). AERA Open.
- 2020. Illusory Success of Performance Management: The Case of Contracts for Excellence in New York School Districts. (with Philip Gigliotti). Public Management Review.
- 2020. The Hidden Costs of Teacher Turnover. (with Helen Ladd). AERA Open.
- 2020. Locking Up My Generation: Cohort Differences in Prison Spells Over the Life Course. (with Yinzhi Shen, Shawn Bushway, Herbert Smith). Criminology.
- 2019. Caught in the Crunch: School District Financial Condition and Performance. (with Youngsung Kim). State and Local Government Review.
- 2019. “Big Data” in Educational Administration: An Application for Predicting High School Dropout Risk. Educational Administration Quarterly.
- 2019. Lead Exposure and Academic Achievement: Evidence from Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Efforts. (with Ashley Fox, Heyjie Jung, Erika Martin). Journal of Population Economics.
- 2018. Educational Resources and Student Achievement: Evidence from the Save Harmless Provision in New York State. (with Philip Gigliotti). Economics of Education Review.
- 2017. From Parents to Peers: Trajectories in Sources of Academic Influence Grades 4 to 8. (with Philip Cook and Kenneth Dodge). Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
- 2017. Returns to Teacher Experience: Student Achievement and Motivation in Middle School. (with Helen Ladd). Education Finance and Policy.
- 2016. How Does the Fast Track Intervention Prevent Adverse Outcomes in Young Adulthood? (with Kenneth Dodge and the CPPRG). Child Development.
Policy Pieces
“Why school referrals to the juvenile justice system are often unfair and harmful.” (Brookings Institute)
“Navigating the tradeoffs of police in schools” (Brookings Institute)
“Contextualizing the Push for More School Resource Officer Funding” (Urban Institute Learning Curve)
“Do principals hold the key to fixing school discipline?” (Brookings Institute)
“Protecting the health of vulnerable children and adolescents during COVID-19-related K-12 school closures” (JAMA Health Forum)
“Lead remediation: A surprising policy solution for reducing the educational achievement gap” (WT Grant Foundation)
“School spankings are banned just about everywhere around the world except in US” (The Conversation)
“Teacher turnover and the disruption of teacher staffing” (Brookings Institute)
“Virginia Is for Teachers? An Analysis of the State’s Teacher Demand and Supply” (Rockefeller Institute of Government)
“How can we prevent criminal delinquency? Start early and focus on soft skills” (NIH OBSSR Connector)